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Are you in control or is your subconscious mind taking over without you knowing it?

Susie Valentine

Most of us like to be in control, but why are we actually seeking control?

Believing that we are in control gives us the impression that we know what is going on creating a sense of certainty, safety and/or power in our mind. However, when we feel that we are in control we are focussed on our own perspective, because that is what we know, what we believe to be right and what we feel most comfortable with. There may be a much better solutions that crosses our path, but when our focus is on controlling the situation, project, work, etc. those innovative ideas and excellent solutions can receive little attention, are regularly dismissed or are totally overlooked. This can have a considerable impact on the company culture, which in turn will be reflected in the business performance.

There is also a different aspect to take into consideration. We believe we are in control, but are we actually having the level of control we believe we have?

What percentage of the decisions do you believe you are consciously making?

All of them? Maybe 50%? That is what I assumed when I first started researching human mindset. Something else turned out to be the case. Science believes that we are only making 5% to 10% of our decisions consciously. The rest of our decisions are taken by our subconscious mind, even though we believe we are in control.

If this were true, how do we know what our subconscious decisions are based on?

Our subconscious mind makes decisions based on the beliefs we hold in our belief system. Some beliefs we are consciously aware of but most of our beliefs are held in our subconscious mind.

For example, I used to always work hard for money, because this is what my parents told me to be true. Study, get a good degree and then work really hard so you become successful in life. So that is what I did. Things did not necessarily come easy to me, but I was driven and persistent. It actually gave me great satisfaction to constantly prove myself that I could do it, because that showed me that I was good enough.

I had the belief I need to work hard for money, therefore, subconsciously I would always be looking for situations whereby I needed to work hard to be able to earn money. This could lead to long 12 or 14 hour days, working over weekends or during holidays. I believed that I had to do this, in order to satisfy my manager and clients, because hard work was required to be able to succeed. Every time I would succeed, by achieving my goal, I pushed the bar higher, because I was still holding on to the belief I need to work hard for money.

I am pretty sure I am not alone here. There is absolutely nothing wrong with this belief and it was a great motivator for me as it is for many of us. However, just consider how life could change when we replace this belief with one such as ‘money comes easily and effortlessly’? What other things could we do in life when we still receive the same or more income in half the time?

Your reaction to this statement could be that you believe this is not possible! What is she talking about! Pause for a second, is that reaction based on your subconscious belief that you have to work hard for money?

Is ignoring the idea that money can flow to you effortlessly easier than taking on the responsibility of up-levelling your own mindset?

Or maybe you are intrigued by this idea and are asking how can I optimise my own mindset and take responsibility? How can I achieve my goals without struggle and sacrifice?

When I changed this belief in my subconscious mind, life became a whole lot easier, my income increased considerably and my working hours dropped to a normal eight hour work day. More importantly I created space in my head and I really started to enjoy living life more.

When we change our subconscious we can remove the limits of what we believe to be possible and can create the future we desire without continuous obstacles holding us back.

If you would like to find out more about how you can change your beliefs and optimise your mindset, just apply for a complimentary clarity call on my website or email me

Follow me on LinkedIn for future articles to find out more about how beliefs are created and how we can change them.



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