Mastery Level Theta Healing Course
Intuitive Anatomy is one of the theta healing mastery courses where you learn everything about the anatomy of the body and which part of the body links to emotional themes and beliefs in our conscious or subconscious mind.
With 15 days of intensive content to cover, this is by far the deepest course of the Theta Healing modality. You will discover a lot about yourself, your own body and the beliefs that are linked to different organs and parts of the body.

This awareness and insight can contribute to the healing of your own and your clients’ body.
A beautiful journey to discover your own body, why your body feels good, healthy and fit, or the opposite; why your body expresses itself through illness, tiredness or pain.
In this course, we teach you what the most common beliefs are related to areas in the body. Meaning different areas of the body can express itself through disease, discomfort or pain. During the course, we will focus on what beliefs and emotions are linked to different parts of the body. When we clear the right beliefs, it allows the body an opportunity to start recovering itself.
Your body always speak to you. How well do you listen to the messages of your body?
Each day we will explore a system or organ of the body. The first five days, this course is all about you. The systems we look at focus on clearing many conscious or subconscious challenges or issues you might be facing.
The second five days, we progress from an inward focus to an outward focus centred on helping others in the class.
The final five days bring all the learning together. You will love it so much that everything flows even better for you.
Draw air deep into your lungs...

. . . and feel the energy flow into your heart
There is A LOT of information shared in this class that your mind will be processing at its own pace. Each day we will do healing swaps so that any beliefs that we test related to the different body systems and organs can be resolved and cleared.
Please note, we don’t teach you how to diagnose a client or yourself. Only qualified medical professionals are allowed to diagnose.

Many people don’t realise that being a psychic and being a healer are two different skill sets. The psychic is expected to look inside the energy field and the body. The healer is focussed on healing it. In this class you learn how to combines these two great gifts, which is the key.
During the Intuitive Anatomy course, you learn how to:
Scan for viruses, bacteria and fungus
Learn what emotions are attached to diseases and viruses
Go through each system of the body and find hidden emotions and beliefs that are linked to different components of the body.
Recognise emotions and belief systems that can cause disease
Be trained on how recognise disease in your body scan and how to resolve the beliefs that are linked to this, using the ThetaHealing technique
Get a deeper understanding of yourself and change programs that no longer serve you
Strengthen and step into the wisdom of cosmic consciousness
Create a deeper level of trust in the Creator of All That Is
Develop trust in your highest intuitive healing potential

11 - 29 June 2025 rest days 16-17 & 23-24 June
12:30 - 7:00pm (UK Time)
Live Online
with Susie Valentine
Mastery Course
Where is Intuitive Anatomy in your journey?
Prerequisite Theta Healing Courses:
Basic Course
Advanced Course
Dig Deeper
You and The Creator
Progression following this course:
Upon completion of Intuitive Anatomy, you can progress on to the following Mastery Level courses:
Disease & Disorder
Planes of Existence
This course is about 70% practical.
By completing this course, you become a Theta Healing Intuitive Anatomy Practitioner
Course Content | |
Day 1 | Microbes and other toxic influences in the body. Parasites, fungus, yeast, viruses, bacteria, heavy metals, etc. Herbal and dietary suggestions. |
Day 2 | Skeletal system including bones, blood, spine, teeth. |
Day 3 | Endocrine system including glands, hormones and receptors. |
Day 4 | Digestive system including stomach, intestinal tract, liver and exploring the emotions held in the digestive system. |
Day 5 | Respiratory system including the lungs, asthma and silent crying. Explore the diseases of the respiratory system. |
Rest | Rest day |
Rest | Rest day |
Day 6 | Circulatory system including the heart, heart attacks, blood, blood types and blood pressure. Explore the emotions related to the circulatory system. |
Day 7 | Lymph system including lymph nodes, spleen and liver. Discuss herbs for the blood and lymphatic systems. |
Day 8 | Excretory and sexual system including bladder, kidneys, sexual chakra, molestation, puberty, homosexuality, genetic traits and issues of intimacy. |
Day 9 | Muscular system including muscles tissue, consciousness of the muscles, muscular challenges and diseases. |
Day 10 | Nervous system including the autonomic nervous system, the nervous system, reflexes and nerve cells. |
Rest | Rest day |
Rest | Rest day |
Day 11 | Our skin including the skin as a reflection of what is going on internally, physically, mentally and spiritually. |
Day 12 | Our eyes including programs and emotions related to the eyes. |
Day 13 | The brain including phobias, brain balance and the functions of each lobe of the brain. |
Day 14 | Our ears belief programs related to the ears, diseases of the ear. |
Day 15 | The body as a whole - this day is a surprise! |
11 - 29 June 2025 rest days 16-17 & 23-24 June
12:30 - 7:00pm (UK Time)
Live Online
with Susie Valentine
Mastery Course
12:30pm - 7:00pm BST (UK Time)
1:30pm - 8:00pm CEST (Berlin, Amsterdam, Paris, Stockholm)
7:30am - 3:00pm EST (US East Coast)