a paradigm shift
DNA3 Course
Mastery Theta Healing Course
This course is for theta healing practitioners who feel intuitively drawn to this class. You might not know why, but something within your is curious and wants to discover more.
Live in seventh plane knowingness
Significantly advance your Intuitive Abilities!
Learn how to make the impossible possible
In this class, it becomes clear how we all create our own reality. In learning how to step out of your own paradigm and move beyond your story, you will unveil the illusion of the 3rd plane.
By shifting your paradigm, you increase your vibration and gain a new perspective on the world. Your inner circle might change and evolve, you connect with your soul family and get ready to step into your life purpose.
This class provides hands on exercises. You learn about how to help shift the world around us.
Key Benefits of this course
Understanding the energy fields of non-organic material
Practise telekinesis, moving matter with your mind
The power to manifest your reality faster
Change the taste of water to sweet, neutral and salty
Resolving deep resentment and belief work
Learn about the three Eternal Molecules and how you intuitively line them up
Spiritual bi-location
Discover the true potential of your mind
Understand your soul’s evolution, get ready to step into your life and soul purpose
Change the weather
Identify your elements fire, water, earth or air
Discover which law you are most connected with
This course moves beyond just yourself and is there to Shift the consciousness of the planet.
“DNA3 blew my mind!”
Prerequisites for this course: Theta Healing Basic, Advanced, Dig Deeper, You & The Creator and either:
You & Your Inner Circle and World Relations
Intuitive Anatomy
prior to attending this course.
It is highly recommended to complete the Life Purpose Package (which includes DNA3) as preparation for this course.
This is a 5 day mastery class, 75% practical, hosted live online.
By completing this course, you become a ThetaHealing DNA3 practitioner and you will receive a ThetaHealing DNA3 certificate.